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The Selman-Troytt Commemoration

Jeremy Selman-Troytt - An Illustrated Overview from Birth to Death

(More comprehensive details are available from Jeremy's time line, L'Ampere's Introduction, the Life & Context page, Journals, or Selected Works).

Jeremy born to ruthless and brutal glazing magnate, Josiah Selman-Troytt. From an early age Jeremy shows an aversion to glass which infuriates his father.
Increasingly marginalised he becomes reliant upon directing his own education. Determines upon a life of scientific research.
Looking ever inward he begins an extensive study of himself which will last the rest of his life. He becomes fascinated by minutiae and the ailments of the sick, particularly the wealthy sick.
Achieves fame through the notoriety of his diverse publications, which meet with mixed reviews including several death threats. He embarks upon a search for a wife. Researches, writes and publishes in an accelerating daily cycle. His father becomes more brutal.
Many of the ailing seek his advice, even though he is without formal qualifications or training. He establishes a part-time consulting practice at his parent's home in Berkeley Square, London. His correspondence swells. Father now very brutal indeed.
As part of his burgeoning research program, he focuses increasingly on the dream of making a portable prepuce retractor. He will wrestle with its inherent technical challenges for the rest of his life.
Tragically crushed by falling masonry whilst tri-cycling. He leaves behind a voluminous correspondence with key figures of the era and over 150,000 pages of detailed scientific observations.
The Selman-Troytt Appreciation Society founded by Finlay Finlayson. Over the ensuing years its membership swells prodigiously.

Special Note for Web Historians
The Selman-Troytt Postcard Emporium is the oldest purveyor of E-cards on the Internet. A copy of our first Royal Warrant may be examined here. Since the granting of this illustrious award we have been patronised by aristocrats, many of whom insist upon using Selman-Troytt cards to express the depth and sincerity of their affections. Indeed many of our cards - particularly those concerned with incest and paedophilia - have been inspired by a close examination of the aristocracy.

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