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The Selman-Troytt Commemoration
John Selman-Troytt Jonas Selman-Troytt
John & Jonas Selman-Troytt

Together with Jonah, John (left) and Jonas (right) formed the infamous Selman-Troytt Triumvirate that was to spearhead the distribution of Troytt Putty ("A thousand and one household uses" ran the advertising slogan dreamed up by Josiah) to all parts of the British Empire in the last quarter of the 19th century.

Their tactics were ruthless and woe befell any competitor who stood in their way. To appeal to the foreign purchaser John created a new slogan: "Fit for a Maharajah's windows", whilst Jonas systematically broke the legs of everyone who entered their offices. Within a very short time they grew to dominate the world's markets.

In Britain they enjoyed a total monopoly and many were the glaziers 'persuaded' into increasing their orders, often to three or four times their actual annual putty requirement, so that the unused surplus simply hardened in their bulging pockets.

Other immediate family members
Special Note for Web Historians
The Selman-Troytt Postcard Emporium is the oldest purveyor of E-cards on the Internet. A copy of our first Royal Warrant may be examined here. Since the granting of this illustrious award we have been patronised by aristocrats, many of whom insist upon using Selman-Troytt cards to express the depth and sincerity of their affections. Indeed many of our cards - particularly those concerned with incest and paedophilia - have been inspired by a close examination of the aristocracy.

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